
View 校园秋季2024迎新议程 below.

See the recorded meeting of the Montana Tech Distance Fall Orientation

A mandatory Orientation is held for new on-campus graduate students during the first week of the fall and spring semesters 


  • 在线定位, 其中包括强制性的研究伦理, 利益冲突, 安全培训. The on-line orientation also includes several resources that are being designed to serve you throughout your graduate studies at Montana Tech.
  • 研究生院的社交活动, 第一周的课程是什么, and will provide an opportunity to meet and greet both new and current students.

Additional information on these graduate orientation events will be posted no later than August 10.

As you begin to arrive on campus, it is recommended that you 

  • 和你所在部门的教职员见面, 确定一个临时项目顾问, 如果你还没有这样做.
  • Discuss your planned coursework with your advisor.
  • Inquire with your department head or program chair about opportunities to meet other new and continuing students in your program.
  • Stop by the Museum building to meet the 研究生院 staff (MUS210 and MUS211) to:
    • Sign any necessary paperwork for a graduate teaching assistantship (GTA) or graduate research assistantship (GRA).
    • Get any needed help for registering for Fall classes.
    • If you are unable to stop by in person, please e-mail the 研究生院.
  • 在线申请停车证, if you need one.
  • Stop by the Student Union Building to get your DiggerCard—the Tech ID card that gives you access to computer labs, 打印机, 图书馆资源, 体育项目及设施, 在巴特岛免费乘坐公共巴士, 还有其他好处.
  • Stop by the physical plant to get keys needed for your on-campus research assignment.

一般, the all-campus orientation is a half-day session and is held on the Thursday or Friday before classes start. It is followed by a lunch or barbecue to which faculty are also invited. Be aware that this all-campus orientation is primarily aimed at new undergraduate students, 这对你来说绝不是强制性的.  然而,, it is a fun way to be exposed to campus and its amenities, and you are welcome to attend any of the events that interest you and partake of the meals that are offered.







如果你是新来的校园, you are more than welcome to attend the all-campus orientation for students. 更多信息可以在这里找到.


We can answer your questions and help get you started.

(406) 496-4781